WITS - Wire Transfer System

Streamline your wire processing workflow

The Wire Transfer System (WITS™) by The Pathfinder Group, Ltd is a dynamic product offering a full suite of modules, interfaces, and features, enabling Financial Institutions to take action in streamlining, automating, and enhancing the daily wire processing workflow, allowing more significant operational efficiency and minimization of human inaccuracy and fraud detection.

With its ease of use, WITS™ comes with an array of features, including an online interface to the multiple Host System Cores, Fed Advantage, and FedDirect connections, compatibility with Foreign Currency Vendors, and in-house software development.

WITS is proven to be streamlined, collaborative, customizable, and efficient for all wire processing, compliance, and fraud detection.

As a certified FedWire Funds Service Vendor, the Pathfinder Group assures that WITS is in full compliance with the requirements mandated by the Federal Reserve’s Security and Resiliency Assurance Program.

  • FedAvantage (file batch) and FedDirect (straight-thru) connections available.
  • Real-time posting to Core with transaction descriptions.
  • Compatible with multiple core systems.
  • Straight-thru payments for international wires with real-time exchange rates.
  • Security Attributes – Supporting Active Directory sign-on and two-factor authentication for all wire and operations teams.
  • Branch and Internal Department wire origination and approval.
  • Cash management, bulk, and loan wire files accepted.
  • OFAC screening for all incoming and outgoing wires.
  • ABA, IBAN, and SWIFT validation and search.
  • Fraud anomaly and risk detection real-time interface.
  • Automated email notifications for customer/members and internal bank departments.
  • Extensive reporting, including Fed statement and balancing and multiple-day search reports.
  • Risk mitigation supported, including duplicate wire checks, multiple wire approval, and dual controls.

For more information about our complete list of interfaces and services, please click here to contact us.

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